Show Up and Speak Up to Save Redwood Shores

Show Up and Speak Up to Save Redwood Shores

Image of a bird

On Monday, APRIL 24, 2023 6PM, City Council will consider a massive new development project that could detrimentally impact the environmental health and safety of residents and vulnerable shorebirds and wetland ecosystems at the Redwood Shores Ecological Reserve.

Despite strident opposition by numerous community and environmental advocacy groups PLUS having its application rejected twice by the City’s Plan Review Committees as incomplete, speculative biotech developer Longfellow is asking Redwood City’s City Council to allow it to pursue the massive Redwood LIFE project. Please don’t let them deceive you by calling this hazardous proposition “LIFE”!

Join us in person to oppose this project at City Hall, 1017 Middlefield Road, Redwood City, or virtually. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit, select “Join” and enter Meeting ID 994 8182 5639

Your public comments and email can make a difference! Please urge City Council: 

“Keep Redwood Shores a safe, beautiful place to live and enjoy—prioritize environmental health and safety over speculative, high-risk profiteering: stay with the original Westport Specific Plan!” 

Why urge City Council: “stay with the original Westport Specific Plan?”
Because it remains remarkably consistent with Redwood City’s General Plan!

The original Westport Specific Plan (WSP) repeatedly emphasizes its legislative intent “to minimize the visual impact of the R&D development…” by establishing limits, including building heights and setbacks to: “no higher than 3 stories (53 ft) as long as they are set back 260 feet...” Since the WSP was established, surrounding multifamily residential neighborhoods have grown even denser, with a library, schools and more housing – yet Longfellow insists on pursuing its massive “Redwood LIFE Precise Plan,” proposing tripling development intensity, 130-ft towering biolab highrises, shrinking setbacks and high-containment labs to biohazard level 3, among other harmful and noxious detriments. 

Make a difference! Attend the Monday April 24 6PM Study Session, and email Redwood City Council now at to voice your concerns.

Proposed and Current Buildings

Possible talking points: 

► “Keep Redwood Shores a safe and beautiful place to live and enjoy—prioritize environmental health and safety over speculative, high-risk profiteering: stay with the original westport specific plan!”

► Why “Stay with the original Westport Specific Plan” for this site? Because it remains remarkably consistent with Redwood City’s existing General Plan!

► The Westport Specific Plan (WSP) repeatedly emphasizes its legislative intent “to minimize the visual impact of the R&D development…” by establishing limits, including building heights and setbacks to: “no higher than 3 stories (53 ft) as long as they are set back 260 feet...”

► Developer Longfellow insists on pursuing its massive  “Redwood LIFE Precise Plan,” proposing tripling the size and intensity of buildings, 130-ft towering biolab highrises, shrinking setbacks and high-containment labs at biohazard level 3, among other harmful detriments.

► Since the WSP was established, the surrounding multifamily residential neighborhoods have grown denser, with a library, schools and more housing surrounding the site.
Redwood Shores Ecological Reserve along the slough includes sensitive bay wetlands for wildlife that need to be protected.

► Redwood Shores needs nature-based adaptation and wetlands protection for sea level rise resiliency instead of Redwood LIFE's hazardous bayfront development.