About Cool Cities

About Us

The Sierra Club’s Cool Cities campaign provides our members, volunteers and staff with concrete ways to work together on climate change solutions locally. Hundreds of Cool Cities Teams started organizing nationally in 2005 to get the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement (MCPA) adopted by cities.  The MCPA is a pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to seven percent below 1990 levels by 2012 (similar to the Kyoto Protocol).  Upon getting this adopted by city council, Cool Cities Teams worked to get an inventory of emissions and a Climate Action Plan adopted and implemented in their cities.

Today, the Loma Prieta Chapter is actively building and supporting Cool Cities Teams and other environmental community groups in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and San Benito County.  Many teams have achieved the initial goals of Cool Cities Teams and we are now encouraging Cool Cities Teams to promote better land use planning in our urban centers, energy upgrades, and other environmental goals. Some of the these environmental goals that teams are currently working toward include:

  1. Conduct an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in your city.
  1. Support the adoption of a Climate Action Plan.
  1. Support the creation of great neighborhoods near transit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve open space with the support from our Sustainable Land Use Committee and Transportation Committee.
  1. Promote home energy upgrades through our Green Buildings for Cool Cities campaign
  1. Provide regular environmental education community events

Sierra Club is a volunteer run organization. Without the help of many passionate and dedicated people we would not be able to serve our local communities to coninue change towards becoming more sustainable. There are many ways you can get involved.

1. Become a Loma Prieta Chapter Intern and work with professionals to expand your skills! We have positions open which are perfect opportunities for those who are studying urban planning or community organizing.  Check out the article in our Loma Prietan newsletter: "Chapter Interns Give a Lot,  Get a Lot" by Nafeesa Ahmed.

2. Join our mailing list

3. Become a member of your local Cool Cities Team and meet other residents who care about environmental sustainability in your city. Our Cool Cities teams are the leading community groups that collaborate closely with the Chapter and local govenments on climate changing solutions. Teams work on a variety of issues, from advocating for zero waste to sustainable land use to home energy upgrades.

4. Donate: Want to support our Cool Cities campaign? Donations will allow us to host community outreach events, print flyers, pay for staff time, etc. Please make your check payable to "Sierra Club - Loma Prieta Chapter," note "Cool Cities," and mail to: Sierra Club - Loma Prieta Chapter (3921 East Bayshore Road, Suite 204 - Palo Alto, CA 94303). Thank you!

 The Climate Action Leadership Team provides support to Cool Cities and generally meets once per month.

 These meetings are an opportunity for Cool Cities Teams to come together and report successes, challenges, ideas for teams, and help needed from the chapter. Feel free to attend a future meeting.  The Climate Action Leadership Team co-chairs are: